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Updates - What is happening now!

27 JUL


Mission Viejo Continues Sundays, please refer to schedule

Limit 10 spots. $40 Venmo



Rose Bowl Begins 01AUG

Saturday & Sunday

Limit 8 spots per day $60 Venmo

3-4pm Dryland

4-5pm Pool


Above Fees are set by Pool, so we apologize in advance.  


Park Dryland VNSO M-F 

4:30-5:30 pm Beginner

5:30-7:30 pm Advanced

$15 Day or $65 Week


Waivers must be completed prior to Practice.


Text w/ questions​






Beginning July 06

Daily or Weekly Rates


Daily or Weekly Rates Apply

Dryland Only for Summer Rates.

Separate Pool Access when Pool Times Resume.


Unfortunately, at the moment we have not received confirmation on Pool Schedule, so we will focus on Dryland for both Beginners and Advanced Classes, with Pool Time at Mission Viejo on an invitation basis only for our Advanced Group.  Very sorry for inconvenience.

*Note Price Change


27 JUN


Tomorrow is our first day of diving since March, so a bit exciting.  7 Divers will travel to Mission Viejo (the only pool currently open for our divers), and we will report on the festivities.  Dryland continues every Tu, We, Th at the VNSO park.  Covid distancing and temp check in place. We are still waiting for the VNSO pool to open for lessons and beginning diving classes .  We will keep you updated.


21 JUN


A limited return to diving has begun, so please join in, as your schedule permits.  We will begin with basics and conditioning in mind.  Our schedule for next few weeks is as follows.


Tu, We, Th Dryland

VNSO  Sherman Oaks Pool

5-7pm - Drop Off in Parking Lot, Temp Check.  Please:

Bring Yoga Mat

Bring Bottle of Water

Follow Distancing rules and Arrive on Time.





Marguerite Aquatics Center

Drop off behind Center for Temp Check.  Please:

Bring Yoga Mat

Bring Bottle of Water

Bring Bag, Snacks and Towel

Arrive with Swim Suit on.  No changing on Premises.

This is a crowded facility, so please follow directions.  This will not be a social gathering, and you will be split into groups with focused work-out.  Arrive on time.

COST: $40 per person per day

(please complete Waiver)​​


Pool times are currently limited to this Orange County pool only.  We are expecting VNSO/Sherman Oaks Pool to be available early July, and Harvard Westlake pool (for our Diving Club Members that are current students)
also available early July. However,  Los Angeles County continues to be very restrictive, and there are no guarantees on L.A. pools start date.


06JUN, 2020


Whew!  A long time has passed and we all seem to have been in a strange, static wait-and-see.


I am happy to report that slowly, we are inching towards resumption of diving at city pools.


21 March, 2020-                            


Please Stay Well. The Chances for a prolonged quarantine are suddenly real.  Please stay as active as you can, and please look through our video tutorials when you have the opportunity.   I will get a Zoom group started asap.


19 March, 2020-


The Covid-19, Corona, Wuhan Virus continues to peak.  At the moment, the US is continuing to take measures to contain, and there are already some medications that will roll out in the next days/weeks to combat.  

IN THE MEANTIME, we are including a quick connect button on the Home Page "AT HOME" to give all athletes a workout protocol they can do at home to stay limber, and in shape.  We expect to see get back in the water within the next 4-8 weeks.  Please let me know if you have any additions or suggestions.  (we had envisioned a park workout schedule at the beginning of this week, which recent governmental announcements on restrictions prohibit, at this time.


14March, 2020 - 


The Wuhan Virus continues to wreak havoc on sports, with the closure of all Universities, Schools, Sporting Facilities, and City Facilities throughout the United States, and the suspension of all sport endeavors.   So much for sport training, in the foreseeable future.

HOWEVER, we will strive to locate suitable and workout alternatives, with some information available for our Divers on this website, starting next week.

1st Meet of 2020, shows promise!

8 March, 2020 -

The first Diving meet of 2020 in Mission Viejo included three divers from Valley Dive, and produced good results for our divers first ever meet!  


All divers faced a chilly morning and had to quench nerves, as the meet was underway with Shiago Allen and Anjali Wagener opening their first events on 1M board.​​​​

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