1m springboard, 3m springboard, 3,5,7,10m Tower
Number of dive designates the dive and position
First Number =
Position off of board
1 = Front, 2 = Back, 3 = Reverse, 4 = Inward
5 = Twist, 6 = Arm-stand (tower only)




You cannot Advance &
We will not let you Compete
Until Your
Basics are Good!

Non-Member POOL FEES - Free Introductory Lessons - Scholarships Available
Simi & Sherman Oaks Pools
$45 per Lesson (Member $3)
$75 per Semi-Private (Member $45)
Acceptable forms of payment are:
Venmo @valleydive-tom
Zelle - Valleydive.tom@gmail.com
Checks (payable to Valley Dive)
COACH MEET or CLINIC FEES, per child, per day
Local National International
3 Athletes $ 75 +30 +60
4-5 Athletes $ 60 +30 +60
6-7 Athletes $ 50 +30 +60
8+ Athletes $ 45 +30 +60
Coach Fees (above) exclude Coach Travel Hotel/Airfare,Incidentals Split Among Participants
Total per athlete attending will be added and billed as one amount prior to meet.
Meet Registration, Dive Meet Fees, Meet Entries and all Incidental expenses are sole
responsibility of Athlete families. Sign-up early, when possible. Late fees may apply.
Please ask if you have questions.