1m springboard, 3m springboard, 3,5,7,10m Tower
Number of dive designates the dive and position
First Number =
Position off of board
1 = Front, 2 = Back, 3 = Reverse, 4 = Inward
5 = Twist, 6 = Arm-stand (tower only)
You cannot Advance &
We will not let you Compete
Until Your
Basics are Good!
Valley Dive 2024
Choosing the right Training Group for you
The Beginning
Join Elite Diving
club diving
The Beginning
Please Contact us for a Facility and Time Available
Getting to Know Diving
Choose 1 or 2 days a week, and Jump on the Road to Diving Fitness
We offer a Mix and Match Schedule to Fit your Needs
More Frequent Diving
Once diving becomes a "thing" for your Athlete, or if an Athlete is looking to accelerate learning the sport, we may recommend additional days per week.
We recommend that Gym be added to your schedule to better prepare for more difficult dives. Without gym or belt training, it is difficult to reach goals of competitive proficiency.
Whether in Middle School, looking forward to a participatory sport for High School, or changing sport to diving, the time to start planning for competitive sport is:
The Sooner the Better
We will be happy to guide you in a program that best fits your needs.
Please Never feel rushed into this decision, as normally each Athlete will let the Parent(s) know when they are ready for focused training. Time is precious, however.
Valley Dive will commit to an accelerated program for the athlete transferring in from another sport (Gymnastics, Ballet, Trampoline, Soccer, Track&Field, etc.)
Elite Diving
Once your family makes a decision to focus on a sport for High School, University Admittance, or International Competitions, you will move into a 4, 5, or 6 day per week schedule for diving, which includes a gym day in the Valley Dive Program.
This next level commitment is a goal oriented program, and both short-term, as well as long-term goal planning will be structured for each athlete.
Please Never feel rushed into this decision, as normally each Athlete will let the Parent(s) know when they are ready for focused training.
Other than private lessons, and because of the limited nature of the hours available at our partner pools, Masters Diving is not a focus for Valley Dive at this time, however, we will provide pool referrals that will allow the Parent or Masters Diver adequate pool training in a group atmosphere.